『⋯每年大熱天的時候,叢林都會有魔鬼下降,殺戮村莊裡的男人取樂,每個男人被發現時都屍骨不全,也被扒一層皮似的痛苦死去,這些男人都是魔鬼的戰利品,而今年更熱了⋯⋯』(資料來源:終極戰士Anna 口述。)

不僅天氣越來越熱,今年這個夏天更是特別詭異,詭異到就像在隱約可見的某處,那個被喚做「El Diablo cazador de hombres」的魔鬼已經降臨在這片土地,予取予求為所欲為,無情的捕獵、恣意的傷害....


七月還沒過完,這個夏天,我想讓自己多做一些工作,多做一些功課,盡量減少娛樂!"You can still brake away if you try." 只要你願意嘗試,你依然可以改變!Topas 是這樣吟唱著夏天,希望這不只是歌詞!

Days of Summer ~by Topas~

Days of summer your end is in sight
So herald the birds on the wing
Look to the heavens and see how they fly
And hear well the song that they sing

Southwards they're flying, their homes left behind
Unchained by the nests that they've made
They're following the sun as they always have done
Not waiting, not wanting, not afraid

Ask now yourself what your goal is in life
that's holding you tight as a chain
Prisoned by progress, desire and greed
Have you traded your freedom for gain

Trained to be tame from the day you were born
You can still brake away if you try
So fight against drudgery
You're really a man
Awaken and look to the sky



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